Sunday, 29 March 2015

Future Tutorial - Labview Water Level example

Next time I will be giving a tutorial on Labview, it will be a simple program of water level monitoring on a tank.
Despite being a simple program it covers basic concepts that are applied on most complex cases.


See you there.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Ansys APDL and Solidworks Composite plate analysis Tutorial

In this tutorial we are going to build and compare the analysis of a composite plate subjected to a non uniform pressure distribution, the results will be reviewed with an analitical and theoretical analysis.

Let's begin with the Ansys APDL simulation:

Now the solidworks simulation:

This simulation is based on the analysis of a problem with the follow conditions;

The theoretical aproach is based on the classical theory of laminated plates.

Here you can see the rule of mixtures being apllied:

E1 = Ef*Vf+Em*Vm
E2 = Ef*Em/(Ef*Vm+Em*Vf)
 Vf being the volume fraction

Elastic coefficient matrix:
Reduced elastic coefficient matrix (per lamina orientation):

Composite rigity coefficients:

 Lamina reusltants:

You can follow a detailed composite plate analysis, both numerical and analitical on this link:

Warning: The pdf file it is written in portuguese.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Composite Wing Project

The desire of fly possibly go back to the prehistoric times when man watched the flight of birds. This led to several unsuccessful attempts of several men trying to fly with structures similar to the wings of the birds on their arms. 
Only on December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers made the first flight in the history of a heavier-than-air, powered and controlled.
With the scientific and technological developments there was a great evolution of Aeronautical Industry given its potential. 
The aircraft is nowadays the main mean of long distance transport for people and some types of goods.

ref - dailytech

In this this project a structure of a composite wing was simulated, using SolidWorks software.
Based on the results, the structure was built, using prepregs and vacuum, an autoclave were to be used, but the wing had dimensions above the ones of the autoclave.
After the building of the wing, tests were conducted using a universal testing machine.
In this case, the point of the tests were to measure the flexing of the wing with the increasing of a force applied to the edge.

In this picture is shown the Solidworks simulation

This is the example of the wing surface

Here you can see the experimental procedure to the tests

Detailed view of the wing clamping

The device used to measured (dial indicator)

In this paper we propose the construction of a component in composite material wich will be subjected to mechanical tests in the Mechanical Testing Laboratory of ISEL and simulated with Finite Element software.
The component is to build an aircraft type Flying Wing with 80cm wingspan. For that component was chosen a NACA 2415 profile, a profile with high support and low speed flights. Thus it is a suitable profile to an aircraft requiring low-speed flight without the need for high angles of attack.
Composites for its versatility are used in structural components in all types of aircraft and shuttles from hot air balloons, gliders, commercial aircraft and fighters. May be used throughout the aircraft (wings and fuselage) or only in parts such as helicopter blades, propellers, banks and instrument panels. They have different mechanical properties and are used for various purposes. Carbon fiber is ideal in situations of components subject to fatigue and unsuitable for impact, such as Rolls Royce concluded in the 60's with its RB211 turbine had a compressor with carbon blades that failed catastrophically in the occurrence of birdsrikes.
A wing aluminum alloy must be replaced in a lower space of time in relation to a composite component due to fatigue failure. Aramid fibers are increasingly used in components subject to impact, such as the bottom of the fuselage area that is subject to constant debris impact during take-off and landing. The aramid fibers are also used in attack and trailing edges of the wings because they are also areas subject to constant impact.

A successful case of composites was an experience made by Boeing that confirmed to be a better solution instead of metal in helicopter components. These substitutions bring many advantages in terms of maintenance and is one of the many reasons for the growth of its use. Currently, the carbon fiber composite material is the most used in Aerospace Engineering / Aeronautics applications.
Some of the benefits of using composite materials in the aerospace:

  •  mass reduction, savings between 20% and 50% are the most common;
  • simplified assembly leisure using technology that indicates to the operator the mounting position
  • monocoque structures have high mechanical strength and less weight compared to a metal
  • The mechanical properties can be controlled by the orientation of the layers of the composite

With the increase of fossil fuels and environmental issues, especially commercial aviation have increasingly cost-cutting ways, and the mass reduction of an aircraft the main goal to achieve. Also needed are more economical maintenance programs that can be achieved by reducing the number of components and reduce corrosion of components (a problem of metallic materials). There is currently a great need for technological development in composite materials, so that it is possible to accurately predict a metal similar to the final behavior of a given component.

Warning: The project it's written in portuguese.
The word project is avalable at:

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Project Theme (Vertical Garage)

When I was starting my project course, I was not sure which project to choose.
I had many ideas and the vertical garage was one of which I advanced in terms of project, before opting for the project of a warehouse crane. So, I will leave here some ideas for anyone who is interested in the topic.

Some images: 

Vertical garages are often constructed from metal structures, which give that agility operation, cleanliness in the work and the advantage of being able to mount and assemble the structure.
By choosing this kind of solution for the construction of underground parking, the advantage, besides estetics is also the cost. The underground garage can be up to 30% more expensive since it includes excavation costs and containment works. Avoiding such operations, debris production is diminished and there is no risk of interfering with groundwater barriers, measures that contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Also, with the vertical parking the space occupied by vehicles can be minimized, the reduction in the ceilings of garages, optimizing spaces and ensuring a greater number of places on a surface to a lesser extent. These are the ingredients that also allow to solve the problem of garages deficit in big cities.

Another benefit is that this type of solution eliminates the construction of ramps, stairs, elevators and installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems. After built, vertical parking value the enterprise, since they have more vacancies than traditional parking lots.

With the completion of this project, one has aimed to design and definition of the entire structure which constitutes the lift garage by analytical analysis, to numerical analysis, the software resource such as SolidWorks, Ftool, Ansys, among others, comparing the results so as to obtain the best possible analysis of the system.

Then one tries to illustrate the operation of the system, using SolidWorks picture modeling software.

The elevation of the structure is made through the actuation of hydraulic cylinders, these in turn "push" part of the structure, but due to the construction scissors, translates into a vertical movement.

Solidworks cavity/mold Tutorial for Ansys Application

This tutorial is basically so you can be able to quickly define a mold of a piece that will be used in the Ansys application Polyflow Blowmolding.

Ansys Polyflow BlowMolding Tutorial

Hello everyone, this post is an attempt to clarify some doubts, questions and curiosities regarding Ansys® application Polyflow (blowmolding). The reason for this post is due to be very little information I've found about this matter.

This is a great application that allows the study of advanced fluid dynamics for materials such as polymer, glass and metals, with the use of this type of application you can optimize design and processes, so it as great value in engineering.

Things to be aware:

  • Ansys workbench recognize units, but polydata does not, so, you are the one who needs to input the correct units of value.
  • Axes, your piece might be allign with different axes (directions) than mine, so, you have to pay attention when deffining motion.
  • The parison should be smaller, or the same size,of the mold, if not, it woun't be constraint by the mold and the solution woun't converge, but you will still have results.
  • The parison should be defined as a fluid.

If you still have some doubts or you want to expand your knowledge, I suggest the "ANSYS Polyflow Tutorial Guide". 
Further improvments: The use of advanced meshing.

Ansys and Solidworks files: