Hello everyone, this post is an attempt to clarify some doubts, questions and curiosities regarding Ansys® application Polyflow (blowmolding). The reason for this post is due to be very little information I've found about this matter.
This is a great application that allows the study of advanced fluid dynamics for materials such as polymer, glass and metals, with the use of this type of application you can optimize design and processes, so it as great value in engineering.
Things to be aware:
- Ansys workbench recognize units, but polydata does not, so, you are the one who needs to input the correct units of value.
- Axes, your piece might be allign with different axes (directions) than mine, so, you have to pay attention when deffining motion.
- The parison should be smaller, or the same size,of the mold, if not, it woun't be constraint by the mold and the solution woun't converge, but you will still have results.
- The parison should be defined as a fluid.
If you still have some doubts or you want to expand your knowledge, I suggest the "ANSYS Polyflow Tutorial Guide".
Further improvments: The use of advanced meshing.
Further improvments: The use of advanced meshing.
Ansys and Solidworks files: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0ByJ4BGvMdCxWUEVoVkFPSnJxQlk&usp=drive_web
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