Thursday, 12 March 2015

Project Theme (Vertical Garage)

When I was starting my project course, I was not sure which project to choose.
I had many ideas and the vertical garage was one of which I advanced in terms of project, before opting for the project of a warehouse crane. So, I will leave here some ideas for anyone who is interested in the topic.

Some images: 

Vertical garages are often constructed from metal structures, which give that agility operation, cleanliness in the work and the advantage of being able to mount and assemble the structure.
By choosing this kind of solution for the construction of underground parking, the advantage, besides estetics is also the cost. The underground garage can be up to 30% more expensive since it includes excavation costs and containment works. Avoiding such operations, debris production is diminished and there is no risk of interfering with groundwater barriers, measures that contribute to the preservation of the environment.

Also, with the vertical parking the space occupied by vehicles can be minimized, the reduction in the ceilings of garages, optimizing spaces and ensuring a greater number of places on a surface to a lesser extent. These are the ingredients that also allow to solve the problem of garages deficit in big cities.

Another benefit is that this type of solution eliminates the construction of ramps, stairs, elevators and installation of air conditioning and ventilation systems. After built, vertical parking value the enterprise, since they have more vacancies than traditional parking lots.

With the completion of this project, one has aimed to design and definition of the entire structure which constitutes the lift garage by analytical analysis, to numerical analysis, the software resource such as SolidWorks, Ftool, Ansys, among others, comparing the results so as to obtain the best possible analysis of the system.

Then one tries to illustrate the operation of the system, using SolidWorks picture modeling software.

The elevation of the structure is made through the actuation of hydraulic cylinders, these in turn "push" part of the structure, but due to the construction scissors, translates into a vertical movement.

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